

洋書多読『Lost in Tokyo』21~29ページ








  • imperiously*1

  • immaculately*2

  • stocky*3

  • clutter-free*4

  • smudgy*5

  • stocky*6

  • go through the motions (of doing something)*7

  • wary*8

  • and whatnot*9

  • collocation*10

  • frown*11

  • cool your heels*12

  • rattle off*13

  • portly*14

  • cul-de-sac*15

  • Up yours!*16

  • squeak*17

  • pretension*18

  • by-the-by*19

  • blurb*20

  • thumb through something*21

  • up to snuff*22

  • stoop-shouldered*23


ロスト・イン・トーキョー Lost in Tokyo (ラダーシリーズ Level 5)

ロスト・イン・トーキョー Lost in Tokyo (ラダーシリーズ Level 5)



*1:意味:in a way that shows you expect people to obey you and treats them as if they are not as important as you/横柄に 用例)He imperiously looked down on the rest.

*2:意味:in an extremely clean and tidy way/ちり一つなく清潔に 用例)His desk was immaculately clean.

*3:意味:(of a person) short, with a strong, solid body/がっちりした、頑丈な、ずんぐりした 用例)He is stocky man.

*4:意味:clutterは、to fill a place or area with too many things, so that it is untidy/取り散らかす、物であふれさせる clutter-freeで、散らかっていない。 用例)A clutter-free desk

*5:意味:(of a picture, writing, etc.) with edges that are not clear/不鮮明な 用例)A smudgy homemade photo.

*6:意味:(of a person) short, with a strong, solid body/がっちりした、頑丈な、ずんぐりした 用例)He is stocky man.

*7:意味:to do or say something because you have to, not because you really want to/形だけする、ふりをする 用例)She decided to go through the motions.

*8:意味:careful when dealing with somebody/something because you think that there may be a danger or problem/用心深い 用例)She gave him a wary look.

*9:意味:used when you are referring to something, but are not being exact and do not mention its name/その他諸々の 用例)Tom made a toy and whatnot.

*10:意味:a combination of words in a language that happens very often and more frequently than would happen by chance/語と語のつながり 用例)Resounding success’ and ‘crying shame’ are English collocations.

*11:意味:to make a serious, angry or worried expression by bringing your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your forehead/顔をしかめる 用例)Why do you frown at me?

*12:意味:to have to wait for somebody/something/ 待たされる 用例)He let her cool her heels.

*13:意味:to say something from memory without having to think too hard/ すらすら言う 用例)She rattled off everyone's name.

*14:意味: rather fat/ 恰幅のよい 用例)portly belly 太鼓腹

*15:意味:a street that is closed at one end/ 袋小路 用例)Our house is along cul-de-sac.

*16:意味:an offensive way of being rude to somebody, for example because they have said something that makes you angry/ ばかったれ!

*17:意味:to make a short high sound that is not very loud/ キーキー声を上あげる、密告する 用例)She squeaked.

*18:意味:the act of trying to appear more important, intelligent, etc. than you are in order to impress other people/ 自負 用例)I have no pretentions.

*19:意味:それはそうと 用例)By-the-by, be careful of him.

*20:意味:a short description of a book, a new product, etc., written by the people who have produced it, that is intended to attract your attention and make you want to buy it/ 推薦広告

*21:意味:turn the pages of a book quickly in order to get a general idea of what is in it/ ページを親指でめくる 用例)She thumbed through the main text.

*22:意味:標準に達している 用例)He made some changes to bring it up to snuff.
